Sunday, May 06, 2007

Oklahoma City Marathon

Last weekend a group of our Young Leaders set out to Oklahoma City to participate in the OKC Memorial Marathon. We had such a great trip! Several of our leaders decided that this would be a great way to raise money for kids to go to camp this summer - and it was! We had 4 in our group run the full marathon, 6 or so run the half marathon, a group of 5 did the marathon relay and then another 5 did a 5K. It was such a great experience and many kids will get to go to camp because of the leaders desire for them to experience Jesus!

Kyle ran the half marathon with the crew finishing with his PR of 2:04. I was supposed to run the half but the doc quickly let me know that I would not be doing that this time around. I ended up doing the 5K. Everyone did a great job!