Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No Rest for the Weary

We left on Saturday morning for Colorado. Every summer Kyle gets an "assignment" which is a month working at one of the camp properties for Young Life. Now for those of you who have never been to a Young Life camp, you are probably envisioning what your childhood camp was like. Well... no, no, no, Young Life does camp like no other. They believe in making it the best week of your life which means that not only is it set in one of the most beautiful places you can imagine but they also serve amazing food (Which is why I gained 8 pounds on our last assignment! But I was also pregnant and that accounted for a 1/3 of the total weight I gained, but still... it's a testament to the quality of food!) and they also provide some amazing experiences for the camper. This year we are serving at Trail West in Buena Vista, Colorado, which is a family camp (the only one for YL!) set amongst the the Collegiate Mountain Range.

So back to the original purpose of this post... we left town on Saturday morning and stayed in Amarillo with our friends, the Ratliff's. Logan had a great time with their kiddos, Molly and Noah. We so enjoyed our time with them. I cannot say thank you enough to Julie for what we will refer to as the "Poop Incident of 2009" and just leave it at that. (Logan is the main character in "The Incident", just for clarification.) After two baths for Logan, due to the aforementioned "Incident" and a nice little plastic diaper cover to help protect her carseat from any encore performances, we left Sunday morning for two nights' stay in Colorado Springs.

Luckily, "The Incident" didn't follow us across state line and we have been safe from a reoccurance thus far. But that was just in time for Logan to enter her new phase called "Sleep is for Suckers". Seriously, we are struggling on the sleep front. Note the time of this posting as I type sitting up in bed with Logan sitting next to me reading her books and playing with her dolly. The first morning (Monday) in Colorado Springs, Logan woke up at 3:30am ready for the day. Today we stretched it out until 4:30 a.m. Seeing as though it's almost 1:00 am right now, surely we will be able to make it to 6am...maybe? Regardless, we are having lots of fun. Here are a couple of pics of our time in Colorado Springs.

At Garden of the Gods

Busy, busy, busy...

Smelling the flowers with Daddy.

Snuggling with her dolly.

We were able to have lunch with Tony B today while in Colorado Springs.

Tony took us to a great lookout area overlooking the Garden of the Gods.
As you can see, it was pretty overcast today and it was COLD.

We left CS and headed to Breckenridge after lunch. It was overcast the whole way and as we approached Breckenridge we were met with snow!!

That's all for now...I'll be back soon with some pics of our time in Breckenridge. I am off to try to get Logan to bed... again.


Molly said...

Oh no!! We feel your pain, we've had many a trip with "wide awake baby", I think they get supercharged and can't turn it off, lots of excitement and things to take in!

Everything looks beautiful though, have fun!! Love reading the updates on your month long lil' journey!

coneandmo said...

Sounds like a fun adventure so far. We miss you already and we're jealous you got to hang out with Tony B.
Have a great rest of the trip out to TW. We'll be praying for Logan's sleep to go back to a "normal" routine soon.
Take Care! MO

coneandmo said...

Cone says-
Tony B likes poop, let him take care of her. :)