Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Young Life here we come!

burn baby burn
Originally uploaded by kyleandshalen.
Carrollton, Texas Young Life! We're beginning to pray and approach folks to join our Prayer Team (we need 8 committed families) or our Financial Support Team (we have a goal to raise $60,000 for 3 years; almost $1700 a month to allow us to share Jesus' love through YL to kids in Carrollton). Please pray and consider joining us! It's a commitment you'll be glad to have made!
For more information about YL's mission to share the love of Jesus with every kid everywhere, check out www.younglife.org

Durango, Colorado May 2005

Originally uploaded by kyleandshalen.
I had to go to Durango for work and luckily Kyle was able to come with me! We had a great time exploring Durango...white water rafting was a blast!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Johnson

Copy of Wedding Day 4#DE358
Originally uploaded by kyleandshalen.

This is one of the wedding pics from April 2. Here are a few others from the past couple of months! We have been very busy, but it has been so much fun!

Kyle and Ty

Here Comes The Bride 019
Originally uploaded by kyleandshalen.
Here is my best man, Ty. Ty and I first met when Ty was a Young Life leader at Blue Valley High in Overland Park, Kansas. Since that time, We have remained great friends. Ty has made a great impact on my life, first exposing me to the love of Jesus Christ and remaining a consistent source of encouragement for me as I walk through life as a Christian. .

Wedding Rehearsal

Originally uploaded by kyleandshalen.
These are some of my favorite ladies! Lucky for me, they were also my bridesmaids!.