Tuesday, July 26, 2005

6th Annual 'Tri The Rock' Triathlon

Originally uploaded by kyleandshalen.
In about a month, Shalen and I will attempt our first Triathlon! We are really excited and have so much fun 'being active' together. We're in training right now. I'm learning how to run distance (which I stink at) and we're getting her used to swimming in a pool instead of just tanning by the pool side. It should be fun. We'll let you know how it goes!
The Rockwall Tri is a 300 yard swim, 14 mile bike and 2.9 mile cross country run in Rockwall, Texas; Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:15 AM.

It's all about the Loin Cloth...

Originally uploaded by kyleandshalen.
One thing I'm glad for is that I don't tend to take myself too seriously all the time. And, I would say, neither do these boys with me as we made makeshift 'loincloth' uniforms for our volleyball tournement. What an incredeible weekto watch four of these boys here begin a relationship with Jesus Christ! If dressing in a loin cloth is what we have to do....well then here's whereyou'll find me every time! Thanks for praying for Carrollton Young Life.
Now, although you see me happy as can be here, I can assure you thatI missed my wife incredibly. I was so glad to be back alongside her on the10th and it encouraged us all the more to make the move for her to have moreflexibility with her work schedule and come alongside me in ministry more! I can't wait!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Off to Windy Gap!

Kyle left on Saturday, the 2nd, with a bus load of kids for camp at Windy Gap in Weaverville, North Carolina. Please be praying for the hearts of the kids that do not know Jesus! Also, please pray for the leaders to stay energized to keep up!! Pictures will be posted once Kyle returns this next weekend!