Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Busy Girl...

Logan has been a busy little girl... Seriously she runs everywhere. When we are out and about she wants to be walking with us not in the stroller or grocery cart, etc. She's a big girl! When did this happen?!?

My camera's batteries have been dead so I haven't been able to download some new pictures but here are a couple from the last few weeks that I thought were cute...

Logan found the bandaids at Gommie and Papa's house. She has no clue what they are but she likes em!

Logan got this stroller for her birthday... she loves pushing it around but would much rather sit in it. As you can see, she doesn't exactly fit in it.
Unfortunately, we are dealing with another ear infection!! A mere month since she had her tubes put in, and here we are with another ear infection. I noticed on Saturday that she had quite a bit of "goop" dried in her ear. I ignorantly assumed that maybe that was a good sign - the crud was coming out instead of settling in her ear. I've kept a close watch on it the last few days, then yesterday when she woke from her nap, I noticed a bunch of dried blood in her ear. (I mean a BUNCH!). I immediately called the doctor's office and luckily Dr. C called me back quickly and told me to use the drops they gave us when her tubes were done and to bring her into the office today. Luckily, it is "just" an ear infection... the blood was a bit unsettling to see yesterday. Logan doesn't seem to mind... she has been a super happy and BUSY girl in the midst of it all!!