Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a fun Thanksgiving this year... Logan's first Thanksgiving. We started out the day at the Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot...along with 35,000 of our neighbors. It is so huge but fun nonetheless....

Here is Logan all bundled up...

Our little family.

This is Logan about 1/2 mile into the run. She got in a good nap while we dodged lots of people with the stroller.
We then headed to my parents house to have lunch with my whole was great! We also got to show our Wii skills (or lack thereof) in a fun tournament complete with lottery tickets for the winners...What's a Clark holiday without lottery tickets?


Molly said...

What a cool Thanksgiving! I saw the recap of the run on the news...I didn't know you guys were in that mess of people!