Sunday, September 09, 2007

Dustin's Surgery

Dustin went in for surgery early Friday morning. After waiting for 7 1/2 hours, the doctor came and met with his wife, Kristy, and my parents. He said that they are still somewhat puzzled over what exactly it is that Dustin has/had. They removed almost all of the tumor at the base of his brain. The biopsy that they ran at the hospital showed it to be a benign tumor!! Praise the Lord!! They have sent out for another more detailed biopsy from a lab that we should get back some time in the next few days. The doctor was a bit puzzled because it appears that although the tumor was testing benign, there were properties of the tumor that are definitely more consistent with a malignancy. He also said that he had to leave a small portion of the tumor entact because it was extremely close to an artery and could have sent Dustin into a stroke. Yet when they ran an MRI after the surgery, the MRI did not pick up traces of the remainder of the tumor. My aunt, who is a nurse, explained that possibly when they were irrigating the area that perhaps the tumor was washed away. Anyway, we are giving all credit to all of the POSITIVE news to the Lord!! Although, there is still a bit of a mystery regarding the official diagnosis and even the course of treatment from this point on (if even necessary at all), the doctor said that he is optimistic with how everything is going.
Dustin is now in ICU...hopefully they will move him to a regular room today. He is doing quite well. The main concern at this point is that he is having some difficulty controlling his arms, especially his left arm. The doctor saw him yesterday and told my parents that they will continue to monitor his progress with his arm. The nerve that controls this function was being pressed on by the tumor, so the doctor was not completely surprised with the fact that he is having problems with it. An occupation therapist that came by yesterday also communicated to us that a lot of the difficulty is due to the swelling of his brain and that as the swelling goes down it may help with his ability to control his arm.
Thanks to all of you for praying with us thoughout this ordeal!! Someday, I will write a post detailing ways that we have seen God's hand in this! It has really been amazing to watch and experience!! He has been with us each step of the way! There are literally hundreds of people across the county praying for Dustin!! Kyle and I went to see him on Thursday night before surgery and he was amazed by how many people were praying for him that he was aware of...and then knowing that there are many more that we do not even know!! So, thank you!

Please continue to pray for....
*a speedy recovery!
*his arms - for him to have peace of mind that this is part of the process of healing, patience and diligence in this
*a good pathology report this week that shows NO MALIGNANCY
*us to all continue to see God's hand in this...especially Dustin!!


Perez Family said...

Praise the Lord! You can tell him that even old college friends of yours in San Antonio were praying for him! Dustin & your entire family have been in our thoughts, we'll continue to pray!

Spirit of Adoption said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! I've been waiting and waiting for this update, and I'm absolutely REJOICING with you!!!!! I was in bed on Thurs night (the night b/f his surgery), praying that the Lord would have mercy on Dustin, and that this tumor would be benign!!!!!!!!! I will continue to pray for these consistant results, a true miracle of our LORD!!!!!!!

Thanks for keeping us updated!

Of Protein and Morals said...

Hi, my name is Suzanne Barker (husband, Brian) and we're friends of Gene and Jill Park--in their small group. He shared with us about Dustin and gave us your blog site. I'm SO happy to read of the miracles as of late! So wonderful! Have y'all heard about the pathology report yet? Congrats on your baby girl, too! We're expecting our first baby (a girl) in October. Hope it all goes well!