Monday, April 07, 2008

4 Months Old!

Logan had her 4 month appointment today. I love going to see her pediatrician except for the shots. She was supposed to get 4 shots today but unfortunately they ran out of the Hep-B shot this morning and there is some back order on getting Logan got 3 shots today and then will go back later this week for the last one.
Our big girl continues to be....well, big! She measured 25 1/8" (75-90%) and weighed 15 pounds 10 ounces (90%). She has almost doubled her birth weight!! Our pediatrician has told us before and repeated againt today that the first year of a baby's life, their growth is dependent on nutrition (i.e. her mama!). Once she turns one, then her growth is dependent more on genetics. He feels that she has probably "peaked" on her growth...especially her height seeing as though Kyle and I are both on the "short" side!
At four months she is all smiles and coos! Such a fun stage! She has also been rolling over alot from back to stomach! It's been so fun to see her grow and develop more and more each day. Oh, how we love her!


Matt, Andrea, Luke and Halle said...

I know, those shots are just torturous on a mama! Glad that Logan is such a healthy girl!

talman said...

Thanks so much for contacting me! It is so fun to see what you & Kyle are up to. You have such a beautiful baby girl and I'm so glad to see things are going so well! I miss you guys & it has been fun remembering living in Texas! I'll keep checking in!
Love, anne

K'Live the Moment said...

Your Logan girl is so precious! I would love to get together with you sometime and have lunch or dinner. It would be fun.
