Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dancing Snow Queen

We returned home from the Young Life Ski Trip today. This trip is one of mine and Kyle's favorite events of the year. Here is a quick run down of our trip...

Here is Logan trying on her ski jacket before we left. She seemed to like it quite a bit even though it did cause a nasty accident later in the week. Keep reading below for details on that!

I just had include the back view!
We left for Colorado on Saturday, March 13. My parents went with us this year (as they did last year, also!). We rode along with the Wimberley's. Logan LOVES their girls - Ellie and Caroline. Caroline and Logan have a slight obsession with one another, so the fun began right away.

There was lots of this going on... Logan and Caroline loving on each other.

And also a lot of this... although you can't tell from this picture... Logan was dancing. She LOVES dancing. She literally danced ALL WEEK LONG! Her night routine went something like this... dinner, bath, change into pj's, then we would go to club long enough for her to dance to a couple of songs then I would hurry back to our room to put her to bed in time for me to make it back in time to hear the message.
Here are Caroline, Logan and Ellie dancing.... Don't you worry, I have lots of video of this to prove that they were actually moving rather than just sitting/standing like the pics show. If I can figure out how to post them, I will!

Out of order here, but once again, Caroline and Logan playing... this time Caroline was trying to do Ring Around the Rosie with Lo...

On Thursday we headed over Frontier Ranch before skiing for a tour of camp. Logan found the bear in the Kachina and LOVED it... sorry the pic is blurry, I wanted to include it anyway!

Our little family while at Frontier Ranch. Logan had a little accident right before this picture was taken. We were lucky to have beautiful weather while in Colorado this year. Logan never needed her ski jacket until this morning. Once we arrived at Frontier Ranch, I put Logan's jacket on her. Apparently, the jacket made her a little top heavy and as soon as I let go of her she did a face plant directly into the gravel. So sad!!! She got a mouth full of dirt as well as some pretty decent battle wounds on her nose and cheek. She was a trooper though (as she always is!!) and brushed it off pretty quickly and was ready to explore some more!

Thursday night, Logan sported her cow "Baby Leg's" and was so adorable. She seemed to know that she was extra sassy that night. At club, not only did she dance her little heart out, she also planted a big ole kiss right on her friend Spencer's lips in the middle of club.

Overall, we had a great trip! Logan was so much fun and really did so well!! It was definitely different traveling with a toddler (and thank goodness for portable DVD players!!). Logan kept us laughing all week. We actually do have a couple of pictures of Kyle and I skiing but they are not on our camera, once I get them, I will post those, too!!!


tara said...

so sad we weren't there with you all this year - it would be fun to be with you all and talk with you instead of feeling like I am stalking you on your blog! please do stop and see us on your trek to kc sometime!

Matt, Andrea, Luke and Halle said...

fun recap! we love baby legs too! i use them as sleeves on luke -- perfect for these cool mornings and warm afternoons. and it looks like a cute layered tee. although, his are just striped -- no cow print for him. :)

Molly said...

Great recap!

That's a fun picture with the 3 of you outside with the pretty background.