Sunday, March 08, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

since I have been on here... Sorry, just not very motivated to update the ole blog. We've had a good and quiet few weeks. Friday, Logan went to the doctor for her 15 month appointment. She is holding strong in her weight and height - (24 pounds and 30 3/4" respectively) in the 65th percentile for each. Dr. C was once again surprised that she is weighing and measuring as much as she is... he is waiting to see her start dropping in the percentiles seeing as though her genetics don't lend themselves to her being a very big girl! She is great though... so happy, so BUSY!, so verbal and really just so much fun. She brings much joy to our lives! I haven't taken very many pictures lately, but be ready for seeing lots of pics after this next week! We leave next Friday for our ski trip and there will be lots of pictures to post once we get home!

Here are a few of the pics that we actually did take this past month!


Spirit of Adoption said...

She's a beauty...just like her momma!!! : )