Friday, March 07, 2008

March Madness

Is it really March already? CRAZY! Our baby girl turned 3 months old yesterday!! Cannot believe it! She is doing so great...she talks (coos) like crazy, smiles all of the time and is just on the verge of laughing out loud. I cannot wait for that one! It has been such an amazing few months to watch her develop more and more every day. And she is just so stinkin' cute!! She is sleeping pretty well right now - anywhere from 5 to 8 hours when we put her down at night, then wakes up long enough to eat and then back to bed for a few more hours. At her two month appointment, she was weighing 13.5 pounds (95th percentile!!) - she's a BIG girl!
Kyle and I are doing well also! Kyle had the flu last week but luckily was able to shake it pretty quickly once he got on some meds. I am now fighting a cold...lovely! Dallas has had a crazy weather week. We've had a pretty mild winter and then this week we got snow twice...TWICE in one week!! That pretty much never happens here. Kyle also passed his certification test yesterday and is looking forward to doing some training on the side to make a little extra money. We have some ideas/dreams of ways to grow it into a small business that we hope to start working towards in the next couple of months.
Next up: Our annual Young Life Family Ski Trip over Spring Break. Can't wait!
Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks....

Talking to her Grandpa Lemay...Lemay is my mom's maiden name and Logan's middle name.

Giving Grandpa Lemay some kisses.

Her first time to wear a dress. She was a happy girl!

Our baby girl!
Hanging with her Papa.
Logan loves her little overhead gym. I usually put her under there in the morning (when she is happiest and most talkative) and she just talks and talks to the little monkey and parrot that hang from it. Kyle and I usually just sit there and laugh at her - she really gets into it! This time Kyle joined her! Dudley has to be close to his daddy, so he is trying to get in on the moment. This is the only time that Dudley cares to have anything to do with Logan.


Perez Family said...

She is absolutely precious! The little dress & tights are so cute, oh how fun it looks to have a girl! :)

Spirit of Adoption said...

Oh my! She's BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing some updated pics!!! So, ya'll are leaving young life? What kind of certification did Kyle get?

Kyle and Shalen said...

Hey Shawnda!
No we are not leaving YL. I am a certified personal trainer and Kyle just got certified as well. He is going to do a little training on the side just to make a little extra $$. We have some ideas to make it into a small business to do alonside YL. I hope your family is well!!