Monday, September 15, 2008

On Cloud 9

Logan turned 9 months old on the 6th!! (Seriously? 9 months already?!?) Today I took Logan to her 9 month well visit. She got one shot and also had a blood test for anemia - she was more concerned with the band-aid on her finger than she was about the shot. I remember before Logan was born, people would say that each stage of your child's life is better than the one before and I so GET IT now.

In honor of Logan being 9 months are 9 of my favorite things about my baby girl right now!!

1. Her big toothy smile...(She's got 8 little toofies now!)
2. How ticklish she is...she just giggles and giggles...
3. Her pulling up on everything in sight (she's been doing this for about 6 weeks now...can we say "early walker"??)
4. Her standing on her own (I am in TROUBLE!!)
5. How she immediately starts clapping and smiling when I start singing "Pat-a-cake".
6. How content she is while eating Cheerios...seriously, these are a lifesaver at restaurants!
7. Her constant dad says that once she is able to talk, we are not ever going to get her to stop!
8. How she lights up when she sees her mama and daddy.
9. Her sweet little wave as she says "bah-bah" (bye bye)

Seriously, Mom! Stop taking pictures and feed me!

Other fun news: I just ordered her Halloween costume and all I can say is she is going to be CUUU-UUUTE! You'll just have to stay tuned to the ole blog to see what she is! Also, our pediatrician (who is AWESOME) has a Halloween Open House at his home for his he invited Miss Logan. Isn't that fun?

Oh and last but not least...Happy Birthday to Logan's Papa...we love you!


Molly said...

Happy 9 months Logan! And Happy belated birthday Danny (if you see this!).

I like the update, always love reading about how Logan spends her days and seeing pictures! Can't wait to see her this weekend!