Friday, January 16, 2009

Ear Tubes

At 5:15 this morning, Logan and I headed out to the Pediatric Surgery Center in Plano to have tubest put in her ears. I was most nervouse about entertaining a hungry and sleepy 13 month old by myself (Kyle had bootcamp!) for an hour before her procedure began. She was awesome! I woke her up and changed her diaper and she just started smiling and talking and was a completely content and happy baby! She never cried this morning even when the nurse carried her away from me...not a peep. Kyle was coming straight from bootcamp and was hoping to be there by the time she got out of surgery... he got there just after I got to see her in recovery. She was a little fussy and confused in recovery but we were assured that that was normal and once she started focusing on objects they sent us home! We got home about 7am and it's now 10am and Logan has been asleep this whole time... It's a little strange having such a quiet house! We are very hopeful to not have chronic ear infections anymore as well as to get her off of all of the antibiotics that she has been on pretty consistently since Halloween.

Christmas recap and pictures still to come...


Molly said...

So happy to hear good news!! What a little champ!

Oh, and I'm impressed that you did that on your own!! Your a champ too :)

Mark, Lena, Kaelyn and Connor said...

awww Glad it went well! Hopefully her ears will be ear infection free!

coneandmo said...

Glad little Lo Jo is doing well. :)